Frans boek over o.a. Spinoza's Compendium Grammatices Lingua Hebraeae
Deze maand verscheen deze Franse studie
Keren Mock, Hébreu, du sacré au maternel. Paris: CNRS EDITIONS, 17/03/2016
Van het Spinoza Research Network leen ik de informatie in het Engels:
Keren Mock, Hebrew – From Sacred to Mother Tongue. Prefaces by Julia Kristeva and Pierre-Marc de Biasi
How is a new mother tongue formed? What are the materials and the circumstances that permit the appearance of a “new” mother tongue? According to what process does an ancient language appear and “modernize” in order to be adopted and practiced by its speakers? An everyday language whose basis is spiritual, cultural and religious, Hebrew allows one to assess the genesis of a contemporary mother tongue. Proceeding with an archeological search which leads us from the present to the most ancient strata, the author dialogs with two of the greatest Israeli writers, Aharon Appelfeld and Sami Michael, enters into the lexicographic “factory” of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, and returns to the philosophical foundations of secular Hebrew by means of a new reading of Baruch Spinoza’s Compendium of Hebrew Grammar.
“Rarely has a work been produced with such skill and originality over such vast fields, and, by means of an interdisciplinary approach, responded to political and ethical challenges which are as current as they are essential.” Julia Kristeva
“From psychoanalysis to semiotics, from intertextuality to the history of ideas, from genetic criticism to philosophy texts, this text prompts us to a happy and generous effective transdisciplinarity as to a veritable intellectual feast.” Pierre-Marc de Biasi
[Cover in wat groter formaat vond ik hier]
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Stan Verdult 03-11-2016 @ 11:00