[Hersteld] Mirjam Tuominen (1913-1967) - gedicht Spinoza

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Mirjam Tuominen (1913-1967) - gedicht Spinoza

 Mirjam Irene Tuominen, Finse dichteres, schrijfster van korte verhalen, vertaalster en essayist, debuteerde op haar 25e met de korte verhalenbundel, Tidig tvekan (Vroege Twijfel, 1938), die goed ontvangen werd. Ze publiceerde ook gedichten.

"Mirjam Tuominen had a frightening, self-destructive ability to react directly to the suffering of others, and much of her poetry can be traced to her anguished response to this one incident. Her poems are obsessive in confronting guilt, vulnerability and power, in their searching for absolute truth in a world she saw as split between victims and tormentors." [van hier] 

In Under jorden sjönk (1954) liet ze Spinoza God’s bestaan deduceren.



Out of the simple
into the manifold
composed of the simple
through the simple
deduced from the simple
leading to the manifold
again leading onward
to new manifoldness
simple deductions
all the way to the most
simple of all
the simplest simple
the whole.

Mirjam Tuominen


 [hier gevonden; hier méér over Mirjam Tuominen]