Pleidooi voor een "Glossary of Latin terms in Spinoza"

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Chris van Rompaey, Language and meaning in the ethics. or, why bother with spinoza's latin?. In: Parrhesia 24 · 2015 · 336-66 (Australisch filosofisch internettijdschrift] [PDF]

Een zeer boeiend artikel, waarin Van Rompaey, van de Deakin University in Melbourne,  een pleidooi doet voor het samenstellen van een “supplementary glossary of Latin terms” zoals door Spinoza gebruikt.

Hij bekritiseert enige werken, zoals The Bloomsbury Companion to Spinoza. Ed., Wiep van Bunge, Henri Krop, Piet Steenbakkers & Jeroen van de Ven. London: Bloomsbury, 2011 en nog enige werken waaruit hij de behandeling van termen als modus & modificatio, Deus & Natura [een relevant gender-aspect?], Passio, essentia [ens (“a being”) and esse “being.”], natura naturans & natura naturata etc. waarbij hij van mening is dat daarbij te weinig taalkundige toelichting wordt geboden.

Aan de hand van het bescheiden aantal studies die aan het Latijn van Spinoza zijn gewijd, bespreekt hij een aantal karakteristieken van Spinoza’s Latijn. Ik noem ze

• Iiro Kajanto, “Spinoza’s Latinity.” Spinoza to the Letter: Studies in Words, Texts and Books. Eds Fokke Akkerman and Piet Steenbakkers. Leiden: Brill, 2005, 35-54.

• Michelle Beyssade, “Deux latinistes: Descartes et Spinoza.” Spinoza to the Letter: Studies in Words, Texts and Books. Eds Fokke Akkerman and Piet Steenbakkers. Leiden: Brill, 2005, 55-67

• Mogens Lærke. “Spinoza’s Language.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 52.3 (2014, 519-47).

• David Savan. “Spinoza and Language.” Philosophical Review 67. 2 (1958, 220)

• Hij verwijst in een eindnoot wel naar Akkerman, maar bespreekt die niet

Hij stelt heel veel aan de orde. Ik volsta met één nuttig voorbeeld

Natura naturans & Natura naturata
One final example will suffice to prepare the way for some concluding remarks on the form a supplementary glossary of Latin terms might take and on its potential value to Spinozan scholarship. Consider the crucial distinction, introduced in the scholium to EIP29, between Natura naturans and Natura naturata. To be sure, one can gain a workable sense of the difference from Spinoza’s definition: the former expresses an “eternal and infinite essence,” the latter is a consequence of the “necessity of God’s nature.” But without a knowledge of Latin, signification will remain entirely arbitrary; with that knowledge a precise logic of differentiation becomes evident.

The first word of each term is natura or “nature,” in classical Latin more particularly the nature of something. This in turn derives from natus, the past participle of nascor, I am born. So the nature of something is its inborn or innate character. The second word in each case comes from the same postclassical verb naturo, “I give existence to,”68 but with a different suffix. It will be recalled that the -ans suffix creates the present participle, while -atus, or in this instance the feminine -ata, is the form of the perfect or past participle which is passive. Thus Natura naturans is “Nature that goes on giving existence” while Natura naturata is “Nature that has been given existence.” *)

*) There is some debate as to whether God equates to the whole of nature or only to natura naturans. Clearly, the view one takes will depend on one’s position on the relation of modes to substance. For Curley, God can only be natura naturans, the cause of modal change; as he puts it after considering passages from several of Spinoza’s texts, “substance” appears to denote “not the whole of Nature, but only its active part, its primary elements.” See Edwin Curley, Spinoza’s Metaphysics: An Essay in Interpretation. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969, 42. Not unexpectedly, given his wider critique of Curley’s view of causation, Melamed challenges this position. How, he asks, can it be reconciled with Spinoza’s repeated claim that “there is nothing outside God”? See Melamed, Spinoza’s Metaphysics, 17-20.

Ik besluit met een deel van de laatste allinea:

“[..] if linguistic analysis has an undeniable place in any examination of the Ethics, it is no magic wand that will instantly banish all interpretive difficulties. Its role is not to explain the intricacies of essence, the nature of infinite modes or what is to be understood by “God’s idea”; rather, it aims to bring the non-Latinist reader to the point where a properly philosophical investigation might begin. Or, to put it another way, an understanding of how signification is accomplished by the structures of the Latin text may not open the door to instant revelation, but it might well forestall speculation as to a meaning that the particular form of the Latin in question unequivocally precludes.” [vet van mij]

Ik nam dit voorbeeld, daar vooral de erbij gegeven eindnoot iets duidelijk kan maken van het diepingrijpende meningsverschil dat hier al meerdere malen oplaaide: het heeft alles te maken met wat je als Spinoza’s God ziet: alleen de Natura naturans (Edwin Curley en Henk Keizer)  of Natura naturans & Natura naturata (Yitzhak Melamed en Stan Verdult).

Ik ben benieuwd of de eerdere aangekondigde Spinoza-dictionaries [cf. blog] er gaan komen én of zij hiervan iets zullen hebben.