Spinoza in de Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
De Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is een buitengewoon rijke bron van zeer vele zeer deskundige artikelen (méér dan gewone lemma's) over allerlei filosofische thema's.
Over Spinoza vindt men er een vijftal, en binnenkort een zestal artikelen van experts, die desgewenst online te lezen, maar uiteraard veel handiger te kopiëren en te printen zijn en die tesamen een compleet boek vormen. Het gaat om de volgende teksten, die men bereikt in de voet van het openingsartikel, of via onderstaande links:
Steven Nadler | Spinoza, Baruch
Begint met deze mooie samenvatting:Baruch (or Benedictus) Spinoza is one of the most important philosophers -- and certainly the most radical -- of the early modern period. His thought combines a commitment to Cartesian metaphysical and epistemological principles with elements from ancient Stoicism and medieval Jewish rationalism into a nonetheless highly original system. His extremely naturalistic views on God, the world, the human being and knowledge serve to ground a moral philosophy centered on the control of the passions leading to virtue and happiness. They also lay the foundations for a strongly democratic political thought and a deep critique of the pretensions of Scripture and sectarian religion. Of all the philosophers of the seventeenth-century, perhaps none have more relevance today than Spinoza.
Dit artikel bestaat uit de delen uit Nadlers Spinoza-biografie die een schets bieden van de werken van Spinoza.
Samuel Newlands | Spinoza, Baruch: modal metaphysicsEen niet eenvoudig, maar zéér deskundig stuk over noodzakelijkheid, mogelijkheid en contingentie bij Spinoza.
Richard Manning | Spinoza, Baruch: physical theory
Michael LeBuffe | Spinoza, Baruch: psychological theory
Justin Steinberg | Spinoza, Baruch: political philosophyHiermee krijgt men de beschikking over een zeer systematisch, goed geïnformeerd en zeer actueel artikel over Spinoza's poltieke theorie. Het staat nog maar een maand op de site.
Volgt nog| Spinoza, Baruch: theory of attributes
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Justin Steinberg | Spinoza and the Problem of FreedomJustin Steinberg’s “Spinoza and the Problem of Freedom,” considers how it is that the seventeenth-century Dutch philosopher Benedict de Spinoza—the arch-determinist—can admit liberty into his metaphysics. Steinberg opens by sketching some of the relevant theological and philosophical background to the problem of freedom that Spinoza inherited. In effect, Spinoza rejects this entire framework by embracing an unmitigated immanent necessitarianism. Furthermore, by adopting other strict metaphysical doctrines, such as naturalism and substance monism, Spinoza incurs further problems in his struggle to articulate a new account of freedom. Steinberg argues that on the basis of a radical new conception of individuality and internality—in terms of functional coherence—Spinoza is able give us a rather novel, gradualistic account of liberty. This liberty can be exercised both at the ethereal heights of philosophical comprehension as well as in mundane, self-sustaining activities. Steinberg closes by suggesting how this general conception of free activity may shed light on Spinoza’s notion of civil liberation, which has heretofore been poorly understood.