Spinoza in Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy

Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy Volume VIBij de Franse Spinoza-vereniging, de AAS, heeft iemand even bij elkaar gezocht, welke artikelen over Spinoza handelen in de reeks Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy. Wel handig om dit overzocht hier over te nemen. Niet dat perticulieren deze boeken in de kast zullen hebben staan, maar het kan handig zijn te weten of het nuttig is zo'n uitgave bij een instituutsbibliotheek op te vragen.
Ik heb er de verschijningsdata bij vermeld.

Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy. Volume VI.
Edited by Daniel Garber and Donald Rutherford. [november 2012]

Y. Y. Melamed - Spinoza's Deification of Existence.

M. Laerke - Leibniz on Spinoza's Political Philosophy.


Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy. Volume V.
Edited by Daniel Garber and Steven Nadler. [September 2010]

C. Martin - A New Challenge to the Necessitarian Reading of Spinoza.

H. De Dijn - Spinoza's Theory of Emotions and its Relation to Therapy.

M. Kisner - Reconsidering Spinoza's Free Man : The Model of Human Nature.

Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy. Volume IV.
Edited by Daniel Garber and Steven Nadler. [septembert 2008]

C. Fraenkel - Could Spinoza Have Presented the Ethics as the True Content of the Bible?

E. Marshall - Adequacy and Innateness in Spinoza.

V. Viljanen - On the Derivation and Meaning of Spinoza's Conatus Doctrine.

E. Scribano - Hume and Spinoza on the Relation of Cause and Effect.


Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy. Volume III.
Edited by Daniel Garber and Steven Nadler. [augustus 2006]

D. Jesseph - Hobbesian Mechanics.

D. Kaufman - Locks, Schlocks, and Poisoned Peas : Boyle on Actual and Dispositive Qualities.


Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy. Volume II.
Edited by Daniel Garber and Steven Nadler. [mei 2005]

J. Carriero - Spinoza on Final Causality.

J. Miller - Spinoza's Axiology.


Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy. Volume I.
Edited by Daniel Garber and Steven Nadler. [januari 2004]

S. Malinowski-Charles - The Circle of Adequate Knowledge : Notes on Reason and Intuition in Spinoza. [PDF]