Anti conatus zijn kan ook

In Sarah Hammerschlag, The Figural Jew: Politics and Identity in Postwar French Thought [University of Chicago Press, 2010] is op blz. 139 te lezen dat Emmanuel Levinas liever uitging van "Gij zult niet doden" dan van de conatus []. Daarin deze voetnoot:

71. Levinas often refers to the conatus, Spinoza's definition of the self as appetitive, to indicate a model of the self that ethics shatters. Spinoza thus represents for Levinas another thinker of immanence, though he comes around in a brief essay, "Have You Reread Baruch," to defending a certain reading of the Tractatus Theologico-Politico that sees it as teaching a nondogmatic, ethical interpretation of the scriptures. His truly major failure remains, nonetheless, for Levinas, that he was unable to recognize the grandeur of the thinking of the talmudic masters. See Levinas, Difficile liberté, 158-69, and Difficult Freedom, 111-18.