Psychologische dissertatie op basis van Spinoza's filosofie

Op 5 februari 2010 promoveerde aan de Universiteit van São Paulo tot doctor in de psychologie Lívia Godinho Nery Gomes. Het bijzondere was dat zij een (sociaal-)psychologische survey deed naar internet-relaties op basis van de psychologische leer van Spinoza. Haar proefschrift is als PDF op internet geplaatst:  

L.G.N. Gomes: Implicaçôes politicas das relações de amizades mediadas pela internet [Political implications of the friendship relations Internet-mediated], Tese (Doutorado)-Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2010. [Zie hier. Aldaar is een PDF van de dissertatie te downloaden]

Dit is de eerste keer dat ik op internet niet een louter filosofisch essay tegenkwam, maar een empirisch onderzoek, vormgegeven aan de hand van begrippen van Spinoza.  Jammer genoeg wordt het niet mogelijk gemaakt om stukken tekst te kopiëren en ze met behulp van de Google-vertaalfunctie een beetje te begrijpen.

Ik vind dit zo apart dat er in dit blog melding van wil maken. Hier de Engelse samenvatting van de studie:

"Friendship is conceived in this study as having a political meaning, since a necessary condition of political engagement is to consider the views of others. In its political meaning, friendship can change fixed points of view and can foster the emergence of innovative actions. The political experimentation of friendship is an agonistic relationship, an opened relationship to others where bodies are prepared to affect and to be affected, and where each one is engaged in contributing to the increased capacity for reflection and action of his friend. The intersubjective experience is at the center of the contemporary understanding of the processes of formation of subjectivity, setting up an ethics of the other as indispensable for the production of oneself. This study investigates the friendship´s semantic within the current mediation of the Internet, and looks forward to discussing if the bonds of friendship mediated by the Internet enable or not the experimentation of political quality of friendship. The political experimentation of friendship by the Internet is read in the light of Baruch Spinoza´s theory of affects. His conception of body states a mind-body unity and a capacity for affection which is a precious tool in the understanding of the modality of presence and the affective intensities at stake in the relations of friendship on the Internet, which preclude the physical contact. The political experimentation of friendship is also understood with another element of Spinoza´s Philosophy: the body is essentially relational and it is in its relationship to others and in how it affects and is affected by them that it gives the condition of possibility of resistance against sorrow and affirmation of joy - which are respectively understood as a decreasing and an increasing power to think and act. We interviewed adults over their stories of friendships Internet-mediated.The affects present in Internet-mediated relationships unveiled by the narratives reveal a new way of being together. Friends not only show an increased ability to reflect each other but also encourage engagement in new activities and mobilization for implementation of practical actions in everyday life far beyond the context of online conversations. The accounts show that the bonds of friendship caught on the internet relationships shape an enriching exchange of views and learning - including cross-cultural characters, which provide matter for reflection and foster relativistic thinking. The survey results show that the bonds of friendship mediated by the Internet can make up joyful meetings as it is expressed in supportive relationships where friends help to increase the power of thinking and the action of the bodies. The bonds between friends by the Internet not only reveal themselves as ways of experimentation of a political quality of friendship, understood as the possibility of a shifting and a relativistic thinking, but also engendered gestures with the strength of solidarity which mobilize the bodies to act in defense of affirmation of its power."

Hier een interview met haar (waaruit bovenstaand fotootje overgenomen is)


Dag Stan, de PDF staat het maken van een kopie wel toe, hoor!

Dag Leon,
Ik bedoelde: binnen het Adobe-document is het maken van het kopiëren van stukken tekst (om die met copy-paste naar de google-vertaal-module te brengen) onmogelijk gemaakt. Althans, mij lukt dat niet.
Ik heb iemand die het originele Adobe-programma heeft, gevraagd of die het kopieerverbod wellicht kon opheffen. Maar dat lukte niet. Ook conversie naar MS WORD hielp niet, want dan was het met Word toch niet te openen. Het is dus behoorlijk goed afgeschermd.

In de mail.