Spinoza-standbeeld bij het Ralli Museum in Caesarea, Israël

Afbeeldingen van dit standbeeld van Spinoza bij het Ralli Museum  in Caesarea, Israël (opgericht door Harry Recanati *) had ik al in het blog "Spinoza in beeld", waarin ik beelden en penningen van Spinoza die ik op internet tegenkom, bijeenbreng. Gisteren verscheen deze fraaiere foto (door aanklikken ook in groter formaat) op fogliospinoziana.it.

[De foto is van Dr Bruno Sed]

"Private museum with private collection. The collection is rich. It includes paintings of famous modern and old artists. Permanent and changing exhibitions. One of the galleries is devoted to Salvador Dali. The history of Ceasarea is also depicted in the museum. What is also very interesting – the building itself. Its architecture is original and affecting. It is worth visiting." [van hier

*) Harry Recanati founded four such museums, two in South America, one in Israel, and one in Spain. The museums are based on the founder's private collection. Caesarea's Ralli museum has a collection of 20th century art, mostly by Latin American artists; sculpture includes several works of Salvador Dali. A small archaeological wing of the museum contains various findings from the area, and a copy of a plate mentioning Pontius Pilatus, the Roman prefect of Caesarea (discovered in 1961). [van hier]